Tag: ginger
What is Polymyalgia rheumatica? Can herbs help?
What is Polymyalgia rheumatica? Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an inflammatory condition, often linked to Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA). The condition occurs mainly in women over 60, and the cause is not known. Symptoms include muscle aches, stiffness in hips, shoulders, neck and mid body, weakness, general tiredness, and weight loss. Some people get swelling in…
Herbal Medicine Research blog – September 2016
It’s been a little while since I’ve written a research blog but here are some research articles that have interested me recently. 1. A new trial is currently taking place in Australia, where young adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are being given water hyssop (Bacopa monnieri) instead of pharmaceutical drugs. 2. A follow…
Herbal remedies for children – new distance learning course
Would you like to know more about treating children with herbs? If you enjoyed my blog on herbs for children, you might be interested to know I have now written a herbal remedies for children distance learning course! As with all of my distance learning courses you will be emailed the course material to work…
Are herbs suitable for children?
This is a question that I get asked quite a lot so I thought I would write about a few herbal remedies for children. So are herbs suitable for children? The easy answer is yes, but with all things there should be an element of caution. If you are ever unsure whether herbs are appropriate,…
What is medical herbalism?
After reading an excellent blog by Lynda Jones, a fellow medical herbalist, she gave me kind permission to make some changes to it. Click here to see the original blog. “If I wasn’t a Medical Herbalist I’d be really confused about the difference between a Medical Herbalist and someone who knows lots about herbs. Many people know…
Homemade Winter Remedies
Homemade Winter Remedies blog featured on Green City Events. “Here are Laura’s top tips (and two recipes) to beat those winter sniffles… Garlic Garlic is well studied for its antibacterial, antiviral and antibiotic properties. It has been my experience when taking garlic that it has shortened the length of the duration of the cold. You…
Herbal medicine and health research – September 2014
In September the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. A new report in the USA has highlighted the need for doctors to have better education in nutrition. 2. A recent study found that bayberry reduced inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 3. A review of the research on honey has…
Herbal medicine and health research in August 14
In August the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. A laboratory study of garlic showed that it inhibited the growth of dental plaque bacteria, even at a low strengths. 2. A laboratory study looking at ginger and it’s anti cancer properties found that the whole ginger compounds were more effective…
Monthly research blog – Herbal medicine and health research stories in January 14
This month the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. A new laboratory study has found that an extract from hawthorn berries reduced breast cancer tumours. 2. Vitamin E has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s according to the Alzheimer’s research centre in New York. 3. A new study has…
Herbal medicine research blog – December 13
This month the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. A new study at Harvard Medical centre has shown that mindfulness meditation has increased brain functioning in patients with Alzheimer’s. 2. A new scientific study found that nettle helped control the blood sugar of patients with type 2 diabetes. 3. Doctors…