Forest Farm herb walk
At the Forest farm herb walk we were lucky with the weather but unfortunately not so lucky with the plants. We did manage to see a lot of blood cleanser herbs, like dandelion, burdock, yellow dock, red clover and nettle.
- Forest Farm herb walk
The herbal tea tasting went down well, with elderflower and honey the firm favourite, and the hawthorn and apple fruit leather was preferred to the carrot cake!
Unfortunately a slight mix up with the times of the walk meant that several people missed out, but another Forest Farm herb walk is planned for Spring 2014.
Taff trail October herb walk
This herb walk was slightly sad as it was the last one until April next year, but it made up for it by being prolific in herbs.
- Hedgerow jelly
As well as gathering blackberries and rowanberries for hedgerow jelly and fruit leather, we gathered hawthorn berries for hawthorn brandy.
There was some new growth of mugwort along the river Taff which we gathered to use as herbal tea. Not one to use before bed however as traditional it was used for prophetic dreams.
We also gathered comfrey leaves to be made into comfrey ointment for sprains, as well plantain for wound healing.
- Comfrey leaves
I learnt about the joy of popping Himalayan balsam seeds, and how delicious they are!
The pulp in fruit leather was a big hit, as was the hawthorn brandy we sampled (for educational purposes obviously!).
I am already looking forward to the herb walks next year as we look at the spring greens and using herbs for nutrition as well as medicines.
For some autumn recipes to try yourself, see my free download section.