Tag: gotu kola
Eczema blog part 3 – Can herbs help to alleviate the symptoms of eczema?
Traditional herbs for eczema Traditionally herbal treatment of eczema would be two fold an external preparation to alleviate symptoms and an internal medicine to ‘cleanse the blood’. Traditional blood cleansers would have been dandelion, burdock, yellow dock and nettle. Modern herbal medicine treatment is very similar, although we now know that the blood cleansers are…
Herbal Medicine and Health Research Blog – May 15
The following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. New research shows that mindfulness may be an alternative to antidepressant use. 2. Clostridium difficile is a bacterial infection that is often present in hospitals and health care environments and can cause diarrhoea and fever. A new study has found that pomegranate reduced the…