Tag: yoga

Herbal medicine and health research – March 2014

This month the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye.

 Cocoa (Theobroma cocoa) has been found to have neuroprotective properties in a new laboratory study looking at the neuroprotective action required in Alzheimer’s disease. The neuroprotective findings of the study suggest that this action could be beneficial in other neurodegenerative disorders.

 A study in New York has found that sugar sweetened drinks increases blood pressure when looking at 410,000 study records.

Yoga is being prescribed by doctors in the USA for more than just relaxation, sleep apnea and arthritis have shown improvements.

 Milk thistle (Silybum marinum) has been investigated as an Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s treatment, as well as for hypercholesterolemia.

Gene therapy is currently being used to help patients with Parkinson’s disease in the UK.