Tag: herb

  • Frequently asked questions – what to herbalists get asked?

    Frequently asked questions – what to herbalists get asked?

    Here are some of the most common questions I get asked and the answers I give. 1. Can herbs be used to treat children? The simple answer is yes but with everything that depends on what the situation is, is the child taking medication? For more information on herbs and children take a look at…

  • Herbal Medicine research blog – Nov – Dec 15

    In November and December the following health research has caught my eye. 1. A new study showed that Andrographis reduced triglyceride levels in patients with raised triglyceride levels (one of the measurements of high cholesterol). 2. A new study of celery seed has shown that when given to patients with arthritis, it reduced pain and…

  • Eczema blog part 3 – Can herbs help to alleviate the symptoms of eczema?

    Traditional herbs for eczema Traditionally herbal treatment of eczema would be two fold an external preparation to alleviate symptoms and an internal medicine to ‘cleanse the blood’. Traditional blood cleansers would have been dandelion, burdock, yellow dock and nettle. Modern herbal medicine treatment is very similar, although we now know that the blood cleansers are…

  • Are herbs suitable for children?

    This is a question that I get asked quite a lot so I thought I would write about a few herbal remedies for children. So are herbs suitable for children? The easy answer is yes, but with all things there should be an element of caution. If you are ever unsure whether herbs are appropriate,…

  • Herbs and Health Research blog – October 15

    This month the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. A study comparing the effectiveness of the herb rhodiola with the antidepressant sertraline (also known as Zoloft), found that while rhodiola had a slightly less anti-depressant effect, it didn’t have any side effects. The conclusion of the study was that rhodiola…

  • A brand new clinic

    A brand new clinic

    I began my journey in herbal medicine in 2001, and since then I have dreamed of having my own clinic. While working in different clinics in different parts of the country have been rewarding, there’s nothing like having one of your very own.     My new clinic is based in my home in Wellington,…

  • Herbal Medicine and Health Research Blog – May 15

    The following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. New research shows that mindfulness may be an alternative to antidepressant use. 2. Clostridium difficile is a bacterial infection that is often present in hospitals and health care environments and can cause diarrhoea and fever. A new study has found that pomegranate reduced the…

  • Herbs and Health Research blog – April 15

    This month the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. A new research study has confirmed that the traditional use of using feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) to treat migraines works when applied in a modern clinical setting. 2. A recent study regarding the treatment androgenetic alopecia (often know as male-pattern baldness) found…

  • Herbal medicine research – March 2015

    This month the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. A Cochrane review of 14 studies including 2050 people found that the following herbs were effective at reducing lower back pain. Devil’s claw, lavender, comfrey root, chilli, and white willow bark. 2. A study of 60 people with acne found that the…

  • Why use a natural cream?

    Why use a natural cream?

      What is a natural cream? A natural cream is one that does not use chemical based ingredients as fillers or preservatives.   Why use a natural cream? Some people with sensitive skin are allergic to the chemical ingredients within creams. Or you may want to reduce the chemicals that you are coming into contact…