Tag: garlic

  • Herbal remedies for children – new distance learning course

    Would you like to know more about treating children with herbs? If you enjoyed my blog on herbs for children, you might be interested to know I have now written a herbal remedies for children distance learning course! As with all of my distance learning courses you will be emailed the course material to work…

  • Herbal Medicine and Health Research Blog – May 15

    The following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. New research shows that mindfulness may be an alternative to antidepressant use. 2. Clostridium difficile is a bacterial infection that is often present in hospitals and health care environments and can cause diarrhoea and fever. A new study has found that pomegranate reduced the…

  • Homemade Winter Remedies

    Homemade Winter Remedies

    Homemade Winter Remedies blog featured on Green City Events. “Here are Laura’s top tips (and two recipes) to beat those winter sniffles… Garlic Garlic is well studied for its antibacterial, antiviral and antibiotic properties. It has been my experience when taking garlic that it has shortened the length of the duration of the cold. You…

  • Herbal medicine and health research in August 14

    In August the following research on herbs and health has caught my eye. 1. A laboratory study of garlic showed that it inhibited the growth of dental plaque bacteria, even at a low strengths. 2. A laboratory study looking at ginger and it’s anti cancer properties found that the whole ginger compounds were more effective…