Tag: eczema

  • Herbal remedies for children – new distance learning course

    Would you like to know more about treating children with herbs? If you enjoyed my blog on herbs for children, you might be interested to know I have now written a herbal remedies for children distance learning course! As with all of my distance learning courses you will be emailed the course material to work…

  • Frequently asked questions – what to herbalists get asked?

    Frequently asked questions – what to herbalists get asked?

    Here are some of the most common questions I get asked and the answers I give. 1. Can herbs be used to treat children? The simple answer is yes but with everything that depends on what the situation is, is the child taking medication? For more information on herbs and children take a look at…

  • Eczema blog part 3 – Can herbs help to alleviate the symptoms of eczema?

    Traditional herbs for eczema Traditionally herbal treatment of eczema would be two fold an external preparation to alleviate symptoms and an internal medicine to ‘cleanse the blood’. Traditional blood cleansers would have been dandelion, burdock, yellow dock and nettle. Modern herbal medicine treatment is very similar, although we now know that the blood cleansers are…

  • Eczema blog part 2 – What role does diet play in eczema?

    Herbalists have made the link between diet and skin health for some time but it’s taking modern research a little while to catch up. Dairy products, are they bad for eczema? As far as I am aware (please send me the link if I’m incorrect), there isn’t currently a published study can shows the link…

  • Eczema – what is it?

    Eczema – what is it?

    Part 1 – What is eczema? I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to write a blog about eczema as it’s actually something that I not only see a lot of in my clinic but also suffer from myself. It was also what started me on the journey of becoming a medical herbalist….

  • So why herbal medicine?

    So why herbal medicine?

    I often get asked what made me want to study herbal medicine, and I usually give the shortened version of this story. About 13 years ago my Mum was receiving acupuncture and taking Chinese herbs for her eczema, I was a bit sceptical that anything could help her as she’d suffered from extremely bad eczema…