Home study groups
Something I’ve learnt over the past 15 years of my own study, and in the last 10 years of running courses and workshops, is that people learn better in a group. A shared experience enriches the learning experience and helps you to look at things in different ways.
The course materials are all sent via email and can include downloadable course booklets, videos, webinars, recipes, hints and tips and much more.

Beginner's home self study group
This group is open to anyone who wants to study herbs together, no previous knowledge is necessary.
Now closed

Intermediate home study group
This group is open to anyone who completed my previous study group or has some previous knowledge of herbs.
Now closed

Women's health home self study group
This group is open to anyone who wants to study herbs together, no previous knowledge is necessary.
Now closed

Natural sleep home study group
This group is open to anyone who wants to study herbs together, no previous knowledge is necessary.
Now closed
Email info@lauracarpenter.co.uk
Copyright 2013-2024 Laura Carpenter, All Rights Reserved